Being as these are all local rides I decided not to map them. I do have some cool data though... I may end up using a different software package since the default software doesn't provide any summary of multiple rides so that you can see fitness progress over time. But for now these graphs show lots of cool data. Okay, too much data, but still, since I have it, I'm gonna include it!
Quick Stats (all 4 rides below)
Distance: 113.41 miles
Elevation Gain: 5,453 feet
Average Moving Speed: 13.9 mph
Frenchman OB
Our first ride was just the two of us on Thursday the 18th, and "Out and Back" to Frenchman's Bar on the Columbia River. As you can see from all of the blue on the speed graph, it was a windy day. The white line is the bike speed. When the blue is on top of the white line it is a head wind. There was some nasty headwinds, but also some tailwinds. It was definitely worth it just for the spectacular clear view of four mountains: Rainier, St. Helens, Adams, and Hood. Being our first significant ride of the season we were going to take the easy way home up Lakeshore. But due to road construction we avoided the mess and went up Fruit Valley, which as you can see is a significant climb.

VBC: Two Volcano Cruise
We had seen this ride on the VBC calendar but never actually ridden it. Definitely worth doing just for the nice views, but a bit too urban for our taste (lots of stops, traffic, pedestrians, etc.). Were it later in the season we would have ridden from our house, adding about 10 miles each way. But starting an hour or so earlier would have been way too cold, not to mention that much longer.

VBC: Salmon Creek - Brush Prairie
A nice club ride. We did start this one from home since the club start is fairly close to us.

Ride Toward Ridgefield
We went toward Ridgefield basically following the reverse course of the Ride Around Clark County. Turned around at 209th St. and 41st Ave. this time, but will normally go all the way in to town. Did the Felida Hill near the end (about mile 18). Nasty! The power spike at the very end is me maintaining momentum coming back up the Cougar Canyon Creek ravine on 119th St. You can see the same thing on the Frenchman's Bar data above. I didn't really go for a max speed on either of these rides. In the future I will be experimenting on this particular stretch to see how much above 40 mph I can get. The fastest speed I recorded last season was 47.53 mph on a steep hill during the Blackberry bRamble in Eugene.