Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ring of Fire, 12-hour Time Trial

QUICK STATS This Ride 2010 Cumulative
Distance 158.33 miles 4352 miles
Elevation Gain 10,913 feet 47.49 miles
Average Moving Speed 14.18 mph 15.04 mph
Dog Bites 0 1

Where to begin...

I guess at the beginning.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fitness Progress, 2009 vs. 2010

One way to measure my fitness progress is to compare some data from this year to last year. I have a plethora of data available for this year due to my iBike and associated software. Last year I was using my G1 phone with the My Tracks app. Interestingly, while my G1 certainly wasn't as accurate for the elevation gain numbers, it did keep track of my overall time in addition to moving time. I wish my iBike did that! Also note that the 2010 season is not yet over, so those total values will grow a bit more.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ring of Fire, Weather and Goals

The weather forecast for my race this Saturday looks ideal for cycling:

Maupin: Partly cloudy. Highs 64 to 74. Lows 44 to 51.
Government Camp: Partly sunny. High 55. Low 45.
The Weather Channel
Maupin: Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 60s and lows in the upper 40s.
Government Camp: Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the mid 40s.
Maupin: Partly sunny. High 76. Low 46.
Government Camp: Partly sunny. High 63. Low 44.
So it looks like it will be a chilly morning, which means warming up will be important. Last year I hardly warmed up at all as I was concerned about being on the bike for 12 hours and didn't want to add more time-on-the-bike before the clock even started. This year is different. I want to be able to hit the first hill (which is right out of Maupin at the very beginning of the race) while fully warmed up so I can climb at full speed. Warming up on a climb is a bad idea. It is hard on the body (joints, muscles, everything) and overdoing it too early can throw you off for the rest of the ride. So I will definitely get in a solid 20 or 30 minutes of riding before I start racing.

The high temperature for the day is quite cool, basically the complete opposite from last year, which for me, is very, very good news. Of course it is good news for all the racers, but I'm sure some deal with the heat much better than I do, so all the better for me.

No real forecast yet as far as how windy it will be. I figure I can deal with wind as well as anyone else so I'm not concerned about it from a tactical standpoint.

Goals from last year edited for this year:

Sunday, September 5, 2010

2010 Rides At Altitude

Altitude Comparison Mountain Lakes Challenge (6/19/2010) Cascade Lakes Century (7/25/2010) Mt. Shasta Century (8/1/2010) Crater Lake Century (8/21/2010) Cascade Lakes Super (9/1/2010)
Lowest Altitude 1,860 ft 3,600 ft 3,030 ft 4,150 ft 2,700 ft
Average Altitude (over the entire ride) 4,160 ft 4,800 ft 4,350 ft 5,770 ft 4,330 ft
Highest Altitude 5,400 ft 6,400 ft 7,800 ft 7,900 ft 6,400 ft
Ride Distance 95 miles 97 miles 100 miles 102 miles 140 miles
Climbing 8,073 ft 5,424 ft 10,585 ft 6,668 ft 7,574 ft

Which ride was the hardest? Believe it or not it is hard to say. Our fitness level increased through the season, and each of these rides was hard for its own reasons.

2010 Eagle Crest Rides

QUICK STATS Distance Elevation Gain Average Moving Speed
Rainy Bend OB
46.94 miles 2,225 feet 15.91 mph
Bend Prineville Redmond
110.02 miles 3,712 feet 15.75 mph
Active Recovery
11.44 miles 254 feet 14.60 mph
Cascade Lakes Super
140.35 miles 7,574 feet 15.15 mph
Active Recovery
5.41 miles 315 feet 8.12 mph
Cumulative for the Week 314 miles 14,080 feet 15.21 mph
2010 Cumulative 4,142 miles 44.77 miles 15.05 mph

The rain on Monday threw us all out of whack. We had originally planned the Cascade Lakes Super for Monday, the Prineville ride for Wednesday or Thursday, possibly another biggish ride on Friday, and then on Sunday riding from Eagle Crest to Madras to close out the week. We still got in the two big rides though. And probably could have done the Madras ride today, but sleeping in was much nicer, particularly knowing we can do a nice ride on Monday at home.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Cascade Lakes Super

QUICK STATS This Ride 2010 Cumulative
Distance 140.35 miles 4137 miles
Elevation Gain 7574 feet 44.71 miles
Average Moving Speed 15.15 mph 15.07 mph
Dog Bites 0 1

We were planning on doing this ride yesterday, but having just completed a 110-mile ride a couple days prior our legs decided otherwise. So we waited another day to tackle this 140-mile ride. Plus we had in the back of our mind the option of simply turning around at Mt. Bachelor and making it a 90-mile day.