Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mountain Lakes Challenge

QUICK STATS This Ride 2010 Cumulative
Distance 95.25 miles 2,175 miles
Elevation Gain 8,073 feet 22.53 miles
Average Moving Speed 14.0 mph 14.9 mph
Dog Bites 0 1

All I can say is, awesome ride! I am definitely not as fit as I'd like what with all the rain (and therefore a lack of riding) over the last couple months. But it was still worth it. This ride was beautiful, had great roads (except one very rough stretch), low traffic, and extremely well supported food-wise. Can't ask for more than that!

Started out with a 7.5-mile climb at 6% average slope. In other words, all about cardio-shape. Amy rocked. I did okay at this point, but this first big climb pretty much took its toll on me and sapped my oomph for the last half of the ride. I tried to keep it in my climbing zone, but that just meant I had to go slow. I averaged an oddly constant 7 mph.

It was cold up at mile-high elevations. For climbing the temperature was perfect, but a bit cool for flats and quite COLD on descents. We were very thankful we remembered to bring our extra set of gloves each. Amy never took off her jacket. In fact you can see in the photo she warmed up at the camp fire on the lunch stop. Took my jacket off for the first climb and then later sometime in the middle when the sun came out during some climbing. But otherwise it was very needed for the descents. I never even considered removing my arm and leg warmers. Several folks wearing shorts said they were quite cold.

The last rest stop was a quick stop as Amy was cold and didn't want to stand by the fire. So she took off before me in order to stay warm. I was only probably a minute behind, and had her in my sight when I started, but it wasn't long on the last 3.5-mile climb that she floated away from my view, passing several other riders as she went.

Not to worry though, as I knew I had a chance to catch her on the huge descent if I could just survive that last climb. Interestingly I was so wiped out I could hardly even get my heart rate up to where I am normally trying to keep it down to... if that makes any sense. Just didn't have any energy left in the tank. And it wasn't from lack of food or overeating. I think I managed my intake well and felt good. Just no power in my legs. But I did make it to the top, and passed the 4 guys stopped at the top (two of them had passed me) and off I went to catch my wife.

I am not sure precisely where I did catch her as I didn't think to make a mental note of it, but it was fairly close to the bottom of the grade. It warmed up nicely on the way down, but it also got windier. I only use my brakes twice on the descent. In both cases it was for a hair-pin curve. Averaging 35 mph over 9 miles on a bicycle is quite a hoot!

For some reason my right knee started bothering me when I had to start pedaling again at the bottom. I was very thankful it was a relatively short stretch to the car as it would have been tough to go much farther. Seems fine now though. Not sure what it was all about. Perhaps just started using it too vigorously after coasting for 20 minutes?

It was a shame to be so close to Mt. McLoughlin and yet not be able to see it due to the overcast skies. I guess we'll have to do it again next year...

Maps showing all rides: 2010 Rides2009 RidesAll Rides

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