Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cherry of a Paride

Can't wait for summer. Spring winds can be BRUTAL!

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 100 miles  
Elevation Gain: 6,799 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 14.00 mph  

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hutch's Pre-Season Century

We had an amazing (for us) average moving speed for the first two-thirds of this century: 19 mph. I thought for sure we would set a new personal best average speed for a century. We were so fast I had visions of cycling sugar plums dancing in my head. Then we climbed the one substantial grade on the ride, a 4-mile climb of 850 feet. Then it hit us, at about mile 73, right at the top of the grade as we turned west for the final leg: headwind.

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 101 miles  
Elevation Gain: 3,332 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 16.5 mph  

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

10-Mile Time Trial: Another Lactate Threshold Test

I have neglected to post about any of our rides so far this year. I think it is mostly because they've all been training rides around our house. Same ol' stuff. We're racking up the miles, already over 1,000 for the year. And every single ride has started from home. Including today. I had to write up today, though, because it isn't your ordinary every day ride like all the rest. Today we did a (self-timed) 10-mile time trial so that we could get an approximation of our current Lactate Threshold heart rate.

10-mile Time Trial 7/2009 8/2009 6/2010 5/2012 4/2013
Time 29m 21s 29m 18s28m 40s 28m 20s 28m 10s
Average Moving Speed 20.44 mph 20.48 mph 20.93 mph 21.18 mph 21.30 mph
Average Heart Rate
(entire 10 miles)
156 bpm 158 bpm160.9 bpm 159.7 bpm 162.8 bpm
Est. Lactate Threshold
(average heart rate
last 20 minutes)
n/a n/a165.9 bpm 162.1 bpm 164.6 bpm