Saturday, April 23, 2011

TTT + River Ride

Our first century of the season! And such a beautiful day for it too. Couldn't have had better weather. Haven't said that this year, until today!

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 100.54 miles
Elevation Gain: 3,870 feet
Average Moving Speed: 15.2 mph

We had originally planned to go to Hood River and ride a century there, but with such a busy day we decided to cut down on travel time (in the car, that is) and ride from home.

So we basically rode our standard training route, the Throbbing Thigh Thriller, which is 40 hilly miles, and added a lot of flat miles along the Columbia River after that.

It was all I could handle. Say what you want about non-hilly miles, but they are tough in a different way than hilly miles: just constantly pedal, pedal, pedal without any coasting! My muscles are not yet able to do that after about mile 80 without constantly whining at me about how they ache. I am whipping them into shape though, and soon they will be purring along smoothly at mile 80 to 100.

Amy said she felt sick when we started, having been run down from a tough work week. But after 50 or 60 miles she said her legs were finally warmed up and after 80 miles she seemed strong as ever, pulling away from this tired old dog, and I was out of power. I wish I were "sick" like that!


No dog incidents today, thankfully. There have been more than usual this season though, at least so far. I'm getting pretty good at slowing down (if Amy is behind me), clipping out, and getting my foot coiled for action (with those nasty cleats ready to knock some sense into whatever dog decides to get within kicking distance), all the while Amy rides around me, keeping her "picket fence" husband between her and the dog. A couple rides ago one got close, but my warning kick sent him packing. I think his owner was none too pleased either, based on the yelp Amy said she heard while we rode off. Which reminds me, some of you dog owners out there, please keep yer stupid mutts off the public roads! They're libel to get their faces bashed in, if not by a car, but a certain cleated weapon.

My wife didn't wear her scarf today. Next time she does I will try to get a picture so you can all see Amelia Ridehardt in action!


Maps showing all rides: 2011 Rides2010 Rides2009 RidesAll Rides

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