Monday, August 22, 2011

Prineville Bend Loop

Our first ride at Eagle Crest, on the first full day there, Monday. Started out with a beautiful sunrise. No better way to start a vacation or a bike ride.

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 104.91 miles  
Elevation Gain: 3275 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 15.56 mph  

We had done a full century only two days prior, so we chose this ride for its relative flatness, and also planned to "take it easy". It is kind of tough to take it easy when struggling against headwind though.

On the road to Prineville we passed one spot with a whole bunch of bee hotels (or whatever you call them) right on the edge of the road with bees flying around everywhere. I thought for sure Amy was going to freak out but thankfully she didn't even notice, thinking it was just a bunch of bugs. She freaked a little when I told her about it a few miles later. :)

Chatted with another cyclist on the flat stretch after climbing out of Prineville Reservoir on the way into Bend. Among other numerous topics, one was his insistence that we had to do the McKenzie Pass ride out of Sisters. I have been wanting to do this ride for a while now, so his recommendation may just tip the scales and alter our rides planned for the week.

My creaky left pedal is driving me nuts. I need to open it up and clean out the grease/bearings and re-grease it. I have neglected it not having the proper tool and never having done it before. This ride (and the remaining Eagle Crest rides, presumably) will be good motivation to get it done when we get home.

Almost lost a rear water bottle holder, but noticed it was loose (really loose) while stopped and fixed it on the spot.

Minor detour in Bend to get from Reed Market Road to Mt. Washington Drive. A detour near the end of a bicycle ride can be very scary/demoralizing as you don't know how many miles or hills are going to be added to your already long (and very hot) ride. Thankfully this detour was maybe only 2 blocks long.

Headwind much of the day. Again.

Went through lots of water. I love my insulated bottles! I drank 2 bottles (Gatorade and water) down to just ice in the last 20 miles and would have had more from a 3rd bottle but didn't really want the Perpetuem.

Saw lots of deer. Near the end of the ride a buck crossed the road right behind me. I only saw him in my rear view mirror, but Amy saw the whole thing unfold.


Maps showing all rides: 2011 Rides2010 Rides2009 RidesAll Rides

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