Thursday, August 30, 2012

Larch Mountain OB

Perfect day for a ride! The only negatives were mostly on the last quarter of the ride: headwind, traffic and red lights.

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 100 miles  
Elevation Gain: 5,491 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 14.39 mph  

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Eagle Crest 2012

We've been a little busy lately with the new business. Bicycling has had to take a back seat. We're still riding, just not quite as often, nor quite as far when we do ride. We did get to go to Eagle Crest for a few days and got a couple rides in.

Eagle Crest to Sunriver, Thursday, 8/9/2012
Ride Distance: 84 miles  
Elevation Gain: 4,586 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 14.60 mph  

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mt. Adams Bike DeTour II

Did this one last year. Liked it. Did it today unsupported. Brought our good friend Mike.

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 101 miles  
Elevation Gain: 6,530 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 15.25 mph  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mountain Rain Challenge

Probably should have stayed in bed for this one. But since I am writing this two days afterward, I am glad we did it...

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 100 miles  
Elevation Gain: 8,976 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 14.28 mph  

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Johnston Ridge OB

Another great ride and the perfect weather for it too.

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 84.61 miles  
Elevation Gain: 6,904 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 14.79 mph  

Monday, June 11, 2012

Cougar Carson OB

Another nice ride. Lots of climbing. Little traffic. Beautiful scenery. Brutally difficult ride. Same ol' stuff!

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 109 miles  
Elevation Gain: 7,306 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 14.76 mph  

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Salmon Falls Century

Today was a tough ride. Not that much more total elevation gain than last weekend's Cherry of a Ride, but today all the significant climbs were steeper and they were packed into the middle 45 miles.

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 103 miles  
Elevation Gain: 7,238 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 14.71 mph  

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cherry of a Ride

Great ride! Aside from the headwind at the end the weather couldn't have been any better.

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 100 miles  
Elevation Gain: 6,850 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 14.79 mph  

Friday, May 18, 2012

10-Mile Time Trial: More with Less

After watching the guys in the Tour of California suffer through their Time Trials yesterday I decided it was time to do another Lactate Threshold test, which for me is a 10-mile Time Trial. Didn't take long to remember why I never got around to doing one last year: they're bloody hard!

10-mile Time Trial 7/2009 8/2009 6/2010 5/2012
Time 29m 21s 29m 18s28m 40s 28m 20s
Average Moving Speed 20.44 mph 20.48 mph 20.93 mph 21.18 mph
Average Heart Rate
(entire 10 miles)
156 bpm 158 bpm160.9 bpm 159.7 bpm
Est. Lactate Threshold
(average heart rate
last 20 minutes)
n/a n/a165.9 bpm 162.1 bpm

Monday, May 14, 2012

Incredible May Weather

The weather couldn't have been any better.

Total Ride Distance:
Total Elevation Gain:
Average Moving Speed:
Kelly and Grantham
61.91 miles  
4,125 feet  
15.67 mph  
Dobler Hill
66.93 miles  
3,927 feet  
15.89 mph  
128.84 miles  
8,052 feet  
15.78 mph  

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cherry of a Bulge

It was a Cherry of a Day for a Cherry of a Ride. The only problem is my back tire had different ideas. Thankfully we still had a fantastic outing, albeit on a shorter-than-planned route.

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 78.64 miles  
Elevation Gain: 6,867 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 13.66 mph  

Monday, April 23, 2012

North River Century/Tweener

Amy was fresh and did the full century strong, while my two weeks mostly off the bike caught up to me, so I did the tweener.

Quick StatsAmyJohn
Ride Distance:100 miles89 miles
Elevation Gain:5,182 feet3,726 feet
Average Moving Speed:16.2 mph15.6 mph

Monday, April 2, 2012

Broken Wheel Ride

Originally planned as an 86-mile loop from our house, this ride was abruptly ended at the 54-mile mark due to a broken wheel.

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 54 miles  
Elevation Gain: 3,567 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 13.90 mph  

Friday, March 23, 2012

North River Century

Decided to take an enjoyable route from last year and turn it into a full century.

Quick Stats
Ride Distance: 100 miles  
Elevation Gain: 5,182 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 15.44 mph  

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Riding In The Rain

It is official. I have abandoned good ship Marathon in favor of rainy ship Bicycling. I don't know how you triathletes do it. I lost just a little ground in marathon training, due to riding my bike on those nice days back in February, and I was hooked on cycling again. Or maybe I was looking for any excuse to stop running. It never really has been my thing. The big problem with all this, though, is that running on an indoor treadmill was my cardio upkeep exercise during all the cruddy weather. If not running, it is either significant cardio fitness degradation, or I need to ride in the rain... Hence, the fenders.

First 17 Rides
Total Ride Distance:
Average Ride Distance:
Total Elevation Gain:
Average Elevation Gain:
Average Moving Speed:
First 6 Rides
237 miles  
39.46 miles  
13,587 feet  
2,265 feet  
15.21 mph  
Next 11 Rides
472 miles  
42.91 miles  
23,357 feet  
2,123 feet  
15.52 mph  
All 17 Rides
709 miles  
41.72 miles  
36,944 feet  
2,173 feet  
15.41 mph  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First 6 Rides of 2012

We have started riding earlier in the 2012 cycling season than we did in any of the prior three seasons. The weather has been cold, but it has also dry enough to ride. In fact today was the only non-wet day on several of the multi-day forecasts I have been checking, so I made sure to get out and ride.

First 6 Rides
Total Ride Distance: 237 miles  
Average Ride Distance: 39.46 miles  
Total Elevation Gain: 13,587 feet  
Average Elevation Gain: 2,265 feet  
Average Moving Speed: 15.21 mph  

Friday, January 20, 2012

2012 Riding Goals

We now have three full seasons of cycling under our belts. It is time to make plans for the fourth season.